33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795

33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795



Daycare for toddlers has been a significant influence for so long and now has a psychological effect on toddlers.


Seeing your child walking is one of the most significant accomplishments. As a parent, you're waiting to see what's next. A toddler shows various signs during the development stage, listed in the article. 



Are you trying to teach your toddler social skills? We understand how complicated it is to help children develop social intelligence as their fears come in their way. 


Most children are home-schooled, and others are put in daycare. Every child has its own needs and requirements when it comes to their toddler years. However, a few parents who are working have to send their children to daycare.


Being a toddler's parent is one of the most challenging tasks in the world; besides their safety, you also have to ensure their wholesome physical and mental development. Life is fun and games for toddlers, but parents must ensure that they inculcate the habit of reading in them.


If you are a parent who has to work and, despite wanting to be with your child and take care of them, you are not able to devote time to your precious toddler, then the next best thing for your child is to enroll them in daycare.


Well, it might seem easy, but asking for your child's attention when you instruct them on something is quite hard. Children are unaware of where to concentrate and at what time during their growing age.


How and why do parents expect their children to show respect if they never showed them any?
This sounds weird and strange, but in most households, children are talked to and treated casually. We need to understand that children are new to everything and demand nurturing while growing up.


Several things must be considered before choosing a daycare for toddlers.

Do they align with our family's philosophy? Are the professionals friendly? What is their proximity to the residence? What cost do they levy, or are they providing healthy meals to the children?


The search for the right daycare can stress out parents because everyone is looking forward to a high-quality daycare facility for their children.


We understand how self-help is essential. It is even more critical for our kids to learn how to help themselves. No one looks forward to raising their child to be another sheep in the herd. 



Even for adults, trying new things can be difficult, draining, and frightening. However, we promote it because learning happens when we try new things, which is even more crucial for kids.


Understanding emotional intelligence is crucial in promoting healthy development in children from an early age. As educators, we must recognize that a child's cognitive and emotional developments are intertwined, and we have a vital role in supporting their emotional growth.


Parents are aware that when a kid is born or a few months old, they follow their parents' voice. It can be singing, reading to babies, or just speaking a few words. When the child is between 18 months to 30 months, they start getting equipped with their surroundings. 


When your toddler is old enough to explore their environment independently, it's important to encourage them to build their self-help skills. Here are different strategies that can help them learn and grow.

Professional Staff For Child Care