33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
Infant Program
33 Mallard Rd.
25 Mallard Rd.
From Birth

18 Months
Program Goals
Make sense of the world by exploring a rich sensory environment of stimulating sights, sounds, textures, and sensations.
Discover and develop all bodily powers in soft, safe surroundings – to roll over and pull up, to creep and crawl, and to step out into the world.
Connect deeply with a caring community and form relationships that foster security and trust.
Learn to communicate, surrounded by wonderful conversations, poetry, finger plays, singing, reading, and lots of smiles and hugs.
Discover how things work with quality educational materials & learning experiences that spark and satisfy natural curiosity.
Open communication between parents/caregiver is emphasized through out the daily record of the each baby’s activities, food intake and diaper routine.

Room Setup
Each baby is surrounded with a warm, loving, home-like setting, and caring environment for individualized care

Our programs combine effective teaching approaches with unique delivery methods to create the optimal learning environment for children to flourish

Sensory, and Fine Motor
Having good motor control helps children explore the world around them and also helps with their cognitive development.
During this age, we work with infants on developing hand-eye coordination, their gross motor skill (movement related to large muscles) and their fine motor skills (involving smaller muscle groups such as those in the arm and wrist).
We work with your child to develop large muscles for crawling, sitting, standing and walking, and to increase their awareness of their five senses.
We work with infants through different methodologies to practice using facial expressions, actions, sounds or words to make their needs known. They learn to recognize body parts, imitate sounds, and respond to their name.

Social &
Self Help Development
As simple as it sounds, you will be surprised at how these skills come in handy when your baby is able to put on and remove their shoes, socks and winter coat.
Picking up, holding, and eating finger food is such a relief for parents after long months of using baby bottles. Our specialists work with your child to get him/her ready to be independent.
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