33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
Seeing your child walking is one of the most significant accomplishments. As a parent, you're waiting to see what's next. A toddler shows various signs during the development stage, listed in the article. Let's have a look at them.
A child's development generally begins when he takes a few steps to a good walk. After a while, you would notice that the toddler started climbing the stairs. These signs indicate that the muscles are getting more robust, and there has been significant development in his coordination skills. Besides this, the professional daycare toddler experts have shared some development moves that the parents must applaud and cherish:
Don't underestimate these very crucial skills in which your child bends to pick up something on the floor. It means that your child's body has started balancing. The child is paving a way towards development and no longer asks you to give toys to him. You can hone these skills by throwing the toys on the floor and watching what he does with them.
Whenever your child picks up the ball and throws it at a distance between 15 to 18 months, he checks his balance and agility and keeps an eye on his eye and hand coordination. As the child becomes two years old, either his left or right hand becomes dominant. Experts dealing with daycare toddlers suggest handing over small balls instead of the tennis ball as the child won't handle it. Kicking's ability starts getting better as he approaches the age of 2.
If your child has started responding to the beats, it means he has found a new way to challenge his body and align his body movements with the tunes. A toddler falling between 15 to 20 months starts adopting this habit of dancing. Make sure that you play different themes in your home and notice which one among them is your favorite. You can bring musical instruments for your child so that he can dance on the beats. Sometimes the child starts picking up your habits, so do indulge yourself in some dancing and start motivating him if he tries something new.
Walking Backwards
Mastering walking backward would be an arduous task for your child as these movements involve glutes and quadriceps. According to daycare toddler experts, once your child is about 15 months, he starts showing these movements. You don't have to worry if a child doesn't pick any of these by the age of 2. If the child likes a particular toy, you will notice him walking backward to pick it up.
As the child turns 2 or 3, you notice that he starts jumping by being at the same place. You would hardly find his feet on the ground, and after a while, the jumps keep on surging more and more. It involves muscle power that helps him get to the air and balance as he moves towards the ground. Sometimes you would notice him hopping and skipping on the streets.
Climbing Stairs
The bigger muscles inside the child's body start working during this activity. This activity needs strength and balance as the movements shift from one leg to another. Initially, you have to accompany your child as he starts climbing. Use of gates is a better option, and never let him practice alone as advised by professionals dealing with daycare toddlers.
The Bottom Line
Appreciate your child's small efforts, which must be carried out under your supervision. However, If you're occupied because of your hectic schedule, sending him to daycare toddlers in North York for his holistic development would be the best way to help him grow and thrive.
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