33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
Most children are home-schooled, and others are put in daycare. Every child has its own needs and requirements when it comes to their toddler years. However, a few parents who are working have to send their children to daycare. Few parents feel guilty that they can't be with their children and have to leave them with strangers. However, experts stated in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health that Daycare Toddlers are better behaved and socialized than the toddlers cared for at home.
Every child gets the best attention and care, whether at home or at daycare. The study is not to belittle the parents or children taught at home. It shows that Daycare Toddlers are confident, socialized, and independent. These kids tend to show good behavior as compared to other kids. There are many other significant benefits of sending your child to the daycare facility. Let's talk about that further.
Benefits of Sending Your Toddlers to Daycare
• Behavioral Improvements: Many researchers have reportedly stated about the behavioral improvements among the Daycare Toddlers than small kids who study at in-home setup. A high-quality daycare is responsible for promoting toddlers' prosocial, emotional, and cognitive behavior. When they grow up, these toddlers are more likely to perform better with their peers mates.
• Improvement in Pre-Academic Skills: Daycare shows a positive impact on toddlers' cognitive and academic readiness skills. It also helps improves the readiness and pre-academic skills of the children. The social skills give these toddlers a leg up in their daily life.
• No More Peer Related Difficulties: As already stated, the Daycare Toddlers already lead a good cognitive and socially developed life. They do not face any emotional or retreating symptoms. These kids can easily gel up with their peer mates rather than those who are home educated.
• Good Observation Power: The toddlers studying in daycare develop good observation power for their surroundings. They can identify things in a better way and talk more confidently with the people around them. The toddlers develop physically and mentally faster than the other toddlers who are always in their homes.
Now, as the research findings are in front of you so, as parents, you can make a better decision whether to send your child to a daycare facility or home train them. It depends on the parents. If you are looking forward to the best Daycare Toddlers facility, book a tour with St. George Mini School. Call us today!
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