33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795

33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795



Parents are complaining now and then that their preschooler is not listening or communicating well with them. They have shown concern that they throw tantrums and often end up forcing things on them by crying or whining. However, there are preschool programs to correct toddlers. You must develop a healthy and safe communicating environment at your home. It will help build better communication and encourage your child to be a great listener.

Let us now walk you through the expert ways to get your preschooler to listen to you.

Provide Clear Instructions

Your command must be clear when you request your toddler to set their books in one place or pick their toys. This will help your preschooler to give it a green signal. It will help if you reward your child’s behaviour with praise or with a huge smile. It will develop a sense of accomplishment in your kid. They will feel happy making their parents happy.

Shorten Up Your Speech

Your kid in a preschool is between 2 years to 5 years. They need help understanding long sentences, as it tends to create confusion. The kids are still in their developing stage. You must shorten your speech. Be concise and transparent in your speech. If you are giving them a command, convey the warning. It will help them know that they are supposed to do a particular work and not supposed to do other work.

Choose the Right Time

This is one of the critical aspects that parents forget. Of course, you will also not respond to anyone when you are watching a movie or reading your favourite book. It would help if you practiced the same with your kids. They will not listen to you if they are playing games or watching their favourite cartoons. You should pick up the right time. Talk to your kids patiently about what you like and don’t. Listen to them patiently too.

Do Not Say Negative Statements

Toddlers are stubborn and will do things whenever they like. If they throw the toys everywhere or play with their food, you eventually want them to stop. Do not show anger or say negative statements. It will end up making them a rebel. Instead, get their full attention towards you. Speak to them at the appropriate time. If you want to give a warning, give it once. Do not overdo or repeat things.

If you are looking forward to expert advice, good preschool programs, and before and after school care, reach out to St. George Mini School. They provide a full-fledged program in the North York region.

Professional Staff For Child Care