33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
At daycare centres, children from age groups 0 to 5 years spend most of their time with the teachers. It helps them to develop mentally, physically, and socially. As children from every kind of household are present, daycare schools frame the curriculum for their overall development. The best part is most childcare centers have kids from different age groups, which makes learning fun and interesting.
Let us walk you through some advantages of having multi-age groups in a
Significant Benefits of Multi-Age Grouping
Leadership Qualities
The daycare centers with mixed age groups instill a sense of leadership
among the older kids enrolled in the program. This gives them a sense of
self-confidence and responsibility to look after the behaviour of small kids.
Moreover, it establishes the foundation of strong leadership skills among older
children, and they will also learn to be patient.
Practicing Social Skills
Multi-age grouping at the day care center, children practice and develop
social and emotional well-being skills. The older children, alongside young
ones, will learn empathy. Moreover, the older kids will learn how to be patient
around young kids when they grow up.
Improved Academic Outcome
In a mixed-age grouping, teachers need to create a curriculum that can
impart knowledge to kids of every age group enrolled. However, there are a few
activities that a 5-year-old kid may understand, but a two-year-old kid will
have a problem to cope with. However, when the children are in the mixed-age
grouping, they can learn from each other and also get inspired to learn new
Development of Friendly Behaviour
A good daycare center works as a family where older and younger siblings
stay together. It helps young kids learn more about interesting facts and will
get attracted towards establishing great friendship bonds. The older and
younger kids get a chance to mingle with each other and nurture kind and
friendly behavior.
Language Development Skill
A 2-year-old kid can speak a few words as compared to a 5-year-old kid.
In mixed-age classrooms, kids can learn new languages and get a rich
vocabulary. They can learn new words every day from older kids. It will help
them in cognitive development and developing great language vocabulary.
Multi-age grouping is an innovative concept used by Day Care Center in North York. It helps establish a great friendship and nurturing bond among kids of different ages. St. George Mini School is a place to get your kids enrolled from 0 to 5 years. Book your daycare center tour today!
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