33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
The before and after-school care extends beyond the preschool programs that the administration has already devised for the children. Along with the teachers at the daycare, the parents need to create an environment at home where kids can thrive. Parents and teachers at reputed preschools hold sessions together to acknowledge the importance of fostering friendship and social skills. With a righteous setting, kids can build these skills at an early age without any hassle. This is the reason before and after-school care is such a huge investment, especially for parents.
What is the Need to Foster Social Skills and Friendships Among Kids?
1. Builds Self-Esteem: Socialization helps build self-esteem and confidence among kids. Encouraging friendship among kids in before and after-school care helps them master new challenges, take on leadership roles, build peer relationships, and help learn new skills.
2. Enhanced Communication Skills: By fostering social skills and friendships among kids, communication skills improve massively. This helps them express themselves freely without any hesitation. It can model their behavior to mingle with their peer group in a friendly way. Moreover, direct communication encourages confidence among children, too.
3. Sense of Social Belongingness: Most preschool programs help kids with social belongingness and the development of friendships. Both daycare teachers and parents must work on fostering these skills by letting their kids be friendly with other children. It includes talking, playing, and sharing their things. However, it is necessary to teach the children about respecting their peer group’s space.
4. Fostering Kindness and Reliability: When you teach your child the value of kindness and relying on each other, they will become more considerate of other’s feelings. The before and after-school care helps kids to respond quickly when anyone from their peer group requires support. It will support the development of healthy relationships between the children, and they can develop stronger friendships.
5. Quickly Learn New Games and Sports: Physical development is necessary alongside emotional and social development. So, fostering social skills and friendship among kids will let them learn new games or sports quickly when they are with their friends. There is no need to pressurize your kid, as they will see their classmates or friends happily playing sports so they will sooner or later indulge in it.
The Before and After School Care in North York program always supports the overall development of your child. By fostering social skills and friendships among kids, social and emotional development becomes easier. St. Geroge Mini School in North York is a great preschool for your child’s healthy development. Book your tour today!
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