33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795

33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795



Sending a child to daycare offers numerous advantages. Continue reading as we have covered each one of them in detail.

In this fast pace and technologically advanced world, it is impossible to deny the benefits offered by daycare. A daycare is a safe space that looks after children without parents. The place helps children acquire new skills and allows them to socialize with others. Apart from this, continue reading the blog to explore the myriad advantages of enrolling your child in daycare schools:

● An Environment of Care & Education

From birth to the age of six years is what we term the "Sensitive Period" in the child's life. During this period, the brains overgrow, and the grasping power of children increases. In this period, children require an ideal, supportive environment to help them develop holistically. Thus, care and guidance are provided by caregivers at daycare centers. The professionals know what your child wants and will customize the daily plan accordingly. It is essential to help them realize their true potential during crucial years.

● Opportunity to Socialize 

Early education helps children achieve milestones quickly and allows them to connect with their peers. Their logical thinking skills improved during this period and instilled basic skills like creativity, math, and science.

● Provides Independence

Daycare schools help children become self-reliant and create interaction opportunities for them. Starting at an early age makes them emotionally intelligent and boosts their self-esteem. When provided with a positive and enriching atmosphere, a child can face challenges without the hassle and improve their confidence.

● Routine & Discipline

In the early years of a child's life, it is essential to set a routine. An interruption in routine often impacts the entire family. Daycare helps a child build a strong base and follows a particular structure to spend his whole day. It creates a balance between fun, play, learning, and rest. Children develop the curiosity to learn what next, which boosts their morale, is. Daycare is ideal for working parents who cannot form a routine for their children.

● Protected Environment

Children are curious learners and tend to explore their surroundings daily. They are playful and interact with their environment, and subconsciously acquire skills. Childcare programs help them recognize and prevent dangerous situations that are impossible at home or in the backyard. It is the best place for parents who want to provide a safe space for their children to learn new skills and prepare themselves for upcoming schooling. The instructors ensure that the child gets the attention and nourishment they long for while enjoying their Independence in the company of their peers.

Daycare schools provide a safe and positive environment that contributes to their overall development. If you are searching for a reputed and established preschool for your child, consider St. George Mini School & Infant Care, North York, where the qualified staff offers your child the care he needs during his early years.

Professional Staff For Child Care