33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795

33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795



Preschool programs provide a nurturing environment where early literacy and language development play a crucial role in the holistic growth of kids. By prioritizing these skills in preschool, children gain a strong foundation that benefits them academically and throughout their lives.

Incredible Benefits of Early Literacy and Language Development

Vocabulary Expansion - One of the most significant advantages of early literacy exposure is that it boosts a child's vocabulary and confidence. Children learn new words through stories, songs, and conversations in preschool. The rich vocabulary empowers them to express themselves more clearly and understand the world around them. 

Interest in Reading - Preschool teachers create a love for reading, which translates into a lifelong habit that fuels a child's curiosity and opens doors to a universe of knowledge. These programs can further cultivate the love for reading by providing dedicated reading nooks and offering a variety of age-appropriate books that cater to different interests.

Communication Skills - Early language development in preschool strengthens a child's communication skills. Through interactive activities and play-based learning, children learn to express themselves effectively, listen attentively, and engage in meaningful conversations. This fosters their social and emotional development and equips them with the confidence to navigate future academic and social settings. Preschool programs can create opportunities for children to practice these communication skills through group activities, dramatic play, and discussions.

Academic Success - Children with strong literacy and language skills tend to perform better in school - they grasp concepts more readily, participate actively in class discussions, and clearly express their ideas. The strong foundation sets them up for academic success throughout their school years.

Cognitive Development - Early literacy and language development also play a vital role in a child's cognitive development. Kids strengthen their memory, develop critical thinking skills, and learn to solve problems creatively by engaging with stories; these skills are essential for success in academics and various aspects of life. 

Literacy and Language Development for Lifelong Success

Prioritizing early literacy and language development in preschool programs offers multiple benefits for young children. So, a trusted preschool like St. George Infant Care & Mini School in North York inculcates these skills, which serve as a cornerstone for lifelong learning and success. 

St. George's experienced and caring teachers, through their preschool programs, provide a holistic and enriching environment that nurtures well-rounded and confident young learners by incorporating these practices within the classroom and extending them into Before And After School Care in North York

As parents, you want the best for your kids, so getting them into St. George's holistic literacy and language development is a great start. To know more, visit our website.

Professional Staff For Child Care