33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795

33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795



Managing a full-time job and raising a kid is hard. You need the best childcare center to help. Start searching for a childcare school offering protection and promoting your kid's growth. A quality childcare place will keep your kid safe when you're¬ working and help in their learning and growth. Picking the right care lets you concentrate on your work, at ease¬ because your kid is in a warm, scholarly space.

Benefits of All About Kids Daycare 

Daycare helps kids become emotionally strong. 

Children develop social and emotional skills while adjusting to new environments at a daycare center. They develop more autonomy and resilience as a result of this.

Daycare encourages creativity. 

Kids can foster their creativity and problem-solving skills at daycare. Engaging in enjoyable activities sparks their critical thinking and encourages inventive ideas, all this while playing with a ball.

Daycare builds confidence. 

Kids feel proud and competent as they engage with various activities at childcare centers. These centers offer opportunities to explore and try out new stuff.

Child care helps develop physical skills. 

Children's active talents, among other things, have the potential to grow in a loving atmosphere in daycare facilities through activities such as art, outdoor play, and strategic games.

Daycare teaches responsibility. 

At Day Care Centers, small tasks like tidying up after play help children learn to take charge and foster their independence.

Daycare teaches kids about socialization. 

Diversity and equality are taught early on in daycare when kids from different backgrounds interact.

Daycare provides stability for working parents. 

Children have a regular schedule at childcare, which helps parents focus on their jobs without worrying about their children.

Child Care offers enrichment activities. 

Child care centers frequently offer a variety of activities, including music, dance, and painting, which encourage children's interests and talents.

Daycare moulds kids into a routine. 

Every day, kids in a daycare center follow a set routine. This assists in learning how to manage daily chores in a timely manner.


Imagine a daycare that your child feels like a second home and that you feel like you can count on. The ideal daycare for children is All About Kids Daycare, which combines every aspect of safety, care, and learning. Check out this Day Care Center in North York to see how it can make your daily life easier and more fun for you and your child.

Professional Staff For Child Care