33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795

33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795



Outdoor learning is equally important as classroom learning for toddlers and preschoolers. Most daycare schools encourage children with emotional, spiritual, and physical development. The daycare center, like St. George Mini School, based in three different locations, serves similar outdoor learning opportunities for kids at their daycare. 

The center has an infant program, a toddler program, and a preschool program. They keep child care in the forefront as it exposes the children to various adventures and natural elements that let them grow their self-confidence and help them have more fun. 

Glimpse of Outdoor Learning Opportunities 

Infant Program Helps infants discover their surroundings by letting them crawl into safe surroundings while planning to step out into the world.

Practicing communication through singing and reading

Quality educational material that will satisfy the natural curiosity of your infants

Working with the infants to help them develop gross and fine motor skills. The caregivers at the daycare also work on developing hand-eye coordination.

Helps them with sound imitation.


1. Toddler Program

The teachers at child care help the toddlers with creative and sensory activities.

Problem-solving activities during playtime are encouraged.

The toddlers are given realistic choices where they can choose the activities themselves in which they want to participate.

Socialization skills inside and outside the class are encouraged.

The daycare center teachers work on improving the toddlers' hand-eye coordination, too. Kids are taught to clean, sort themselves up, and play with colours and shapes,.

The cause-and-effect relationship is introduced at this stage, where children are taught through simple inventions.

Singing and dancing activities are encouraged among children to help them strengthen and properly use their muscles.

2. Preschool Programs

Helping with self-esteem and self-confidence of kids between 2 years to 5 years.

Hands-on experience is given for the Math skill teaching.

Letting kids learn outdoors and indoors how to respect the space and properties of others.

Events are conducted to help children to increase their focus and creativity.

Development of motor skills and sorting up is majorly encouraged at this stage.

Promoting imaginative play among kids to help them experience overall growth.

Singing and dancing in an outdoor setup is also encouraged. 


One of the reputed Daycare in North York, St. George Mini School, is helping infants, toddlers, and preschool kids to excel in their fields. The daycare is making the place welcoming and full of indoor and outdoor opportunities to help children learn at their own pace. Book your tour today!

Professional Staff For Child Care