33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
Here is exciting news for parents and children residing in Ontario as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Doug Ford have announced the $10.2 Billion childcare deal. The province has declared that the child care fees will drop to $10 per day by 2025.
Another part of the deal says that the parents will get rebates on childcare fees in May. As a result, the costs would come down to half at the end of 2025. Since it is the 6th agreement year, the Federal government has invested $2.9 billion in the welfare of the children.
The rebates would be applicable for the 1st of April, accompanied by 25% reductions, and will commence in the middle of the spring provincial electoral campaign. The program will offer savings of up to $6000 to every parent and has been incorporated, keeping the situation of rising living costs in mind.
This has been declared a "Historical Moment" as all the provinces and states have signed it.
This scheme is going to offer the following advantages to the parents:
● From the 1st of April 2022, families with children
that are five years old or younger should participate in licensed childcare
centers. A fee reduction of 25 percent, i.e., a minimum of $12 per day, will be
observed as a part of the scheme
● The rebate registered on the 1st of April will be reimbursed in May. Childcare operators will deliver the refunds, which might take time due to fee readjustment
● By December, the fees would drop down by 50%
Here are the long-term
objectives of the plan:
1. In Sept 2024, a huge fee reduction will be noticed
2. The final reduction will take place in September 2025, when the fee would come down to $25 per day
Is it an Ideal Deal for
Ford will begin his election campaign in a few weeks. It has been termed a progressive deal as it helps people save money and offers rebates on License renewal fees.
It is good to deal for Ontarians as the Federal funds have been used to develop children. The primary goal of this program was to provide $1Billion to Ontario in the first year. Since the Fiscal year is about to end in four days, the Federal Government is giving the province the chance to invest in the future of Ontario.
Ontario was expecting something more from this 5-year deal. The government's last year's commitment was $9 Billion annually and received an allegiance of $2.9 Billion, termed "Out of Year" funding.
Furthermore, Ontario will form more than 5000 licensed childcare centers, and home daycares will be a part of the plan.
86000 Child Care Spaces will
be Introduced
Since 2019 15,000 spaces have already been built, and the government is planning to develop 86,000 childcare spaces under this scheme. The province would increase the wages of childcare educators as well. Wages up to $25 will be given $25 to registered ECEs.
Enroll your child in daycare in New York if residing in Ontario and help your child develop. Also, the scheme will offer numerous benefits to the 'The Future of Ontario.'
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