33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
Reading is one of the most significant skills that your child will learn in life. Reading brings pleasure and meaning to life. Reading is one of the most critical communication skills and is linked with speaking, listening, and writing. Also, it boosts the creativity of an individual. Introducing it to the young one might seem a daunting task. Once it becomes simpler, your child will read them regularly. Reputed preschool program professionals have come up with some tips that would make the process easier for toddlers.
Create a Reading Routine
Read with your Child
Take out time from your hectic schedule and align the reading routine with the free time of the toddler. It is better to take it before bed as the child is more relaxed and would be willing to listen. You can read a story before sending him to before and after school care.
Devote 5 to 10 minutes to Reading
Check the attention span of your child before commencing the reading activity. Don't get disheartened if you cannot figure it out during Reading. If your toddler is uninterested in a book, it's better to place it aside instead of reading.
Select Books with Pictures
Pick up books that have pictures and flaps around them to hook the interest of the child towards it. In case your toddler is fond of something specific, pick those books. The more interesting the book is, the more indulged the child will be while reading it.
Give the Child the Chance to Select the Book
Allocate a specific bookshelf to your child that comprises his books. Keep the books at ground level so that the toddler can access them by himself. When story time arrives, make sure that he gets the opportunity to choose the book.
Help Your Child Get Comfortable During Story Time
Don't force your child to sit throughout the story. They are unable to sit in a place for extended periods. Let them sit free. Keep reading the story and believe that the child is listening. According to before and after school care experts, children learn better, especially when they are active. It doesn't mean that they aren't interested in reading or spending quality time with you.
Carry Books When You Go Out
While heading to the grocery or during the doctor's appointment, make sure that you carry books along. You are waiting in line for the doctor to take the book out and start reading it. It's better to keep the books stacked within the vehicle.
Visit the Local Library Regularly
Every library comprises a children and toddlers section that has several games, puzzles, and other fun activities. Allow the toddler to select the book and make sure that they don't damage them.
In Conclusion, Take these activities, and your child will love book reading. If you don't have sufficient time, send him to a before and after school care like St George Mini School and Infant Care. We have preschool programs in North York that would introduce reading activities to make it more fun for them.
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