33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
Remember your first day of preschool? Wasn’t it a rollercoaster of emotions? Whether you remember or have been told about your school journey, one thing is for sure: preschool admission is different for every child and brings along a variety of experiences. Starting preschool is the first step in academic life and is a huge transition for both the child and the parent. The little one is now going out of the comforts of home and dealing with the structured social environment. As exciting as it may sound, preschool is equally daunting for a young child.
Understand the behaviour –
Imagine being sent to a completely new workspace where you know no one. That is like what a child feels during the initial days at a preschool. Away from the comfort of their home and constant care from parents, the child now has to be in a brand-new environment, be with unfamiliar faces, and do all that is expected from them. All this can be a little too much for a little child.
1. The child may begin to get more clingy and cry a lot at drop-off or after school.
2. They may get frustrated and show disapproval through anger.
3. Nervousness may also disrupt their eating and sleeping patterns.
4. Some may even become quiet and closed off.
It is important for caregivers to help children overcome this problem with patience. A little reassurance can come a long way before, and after-school care makes a huge difference here.
Ask your child about their day. How did they feel? What did they like the most? Was there anything uncomfortable? Encourage the child to talk openly and express freely.
Changes in routine are the biggest issue for a child. Try to maintain a routine at home which allows the child to know what comes next. It will help to reduce the anxiety that comes with uncertainty.
Make your child feel that they are loved and accepted wholeheartedly. A child needs love and care the most during the transition period. Send them happy and welcome them back home with a big hug.
Allow the child to pack their bag, decide their tiffin meal, and prepare themselves. They should feel confident and in control of the preschool.
Behavioral changes are very common in children who start with preschool programs. The structured learning space is new to the child, and each child adapts to it differently.
St. George Mini School & Infant Care is a trusted choice for Before And After School Care in North York. Let your child begin their beautiful journey in a nurturing environment that prioritizes safety, care, and love. Expert guidance and assistance available at St. George is all that a child needs to adjust smoothly in the preschool.
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