33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
Emotional intelligence is mandatory for children to help them build and share their emotions with their fellow human beings. It will help them to effectively communicate and interact with other children. Most reputed schools and daycares have an emotional intelligence curriculum in their preschool programs. These programs support children to build confidence, develop concentration, and create a positive self-image from a young age. A few daycare schools have infant care programs, too, where they encourage the inclusion of emotional intelligence from the infant age groups.
Why is Emotional Intelligence Important from a Very Young Age?
Preschool Programs in North York are important for kids, especially infants, because of the development of their physical and emotional IQs. You have to be extra careful about what kind of environment you provide to your infant.
• Start Validating and Empathizing Your Kid’s Emotions: You must validate the emotions of your child by empathizing with them on small things. Discuss the emotional topics with your kids to help them know about the support they can receive from them. It is necessary to check out what kind of preschool curriculum is being taught.
• Be a Role Model for Your Kids: Your children will imitate you at every step, so be a role model for them. Teach them mindfulness by helping with breathing exercises, meditation, and gratitude. These things will help your infant to become mindful of what they practice in their life.
• Way Towards Creativity: By teaching emotional intelligence to your kids, you are helping them to become creative and to solve major life problems. They can engage in activities by using their imagination. Children can think of innovative solutions to communicate their feelings and emotions to their parents and teachers.
• Expressing the Emotions: Help your kids to express their emotions through card games or word games. They can make sentences and express their feelings. For example, you can let them open their emotions by playing a game Simon says- be tall and confident, be positive, be happy, and much more. You can let your kids add sentences to this one-liner. It will help them to convey their emotions strongly.
• Inculcate Growth Mindset in Your Kids: You need to cultivate a growth mindset along with emotional intelligence in your kids. A fixed mindset will lead them nowhere. Praising the efforts made by your kids and teaching them that they are capable of doing more will inculcate a growth mindset in them.
Final Thoughts
Emotional intelligence is important in kids for their emotional and social development. You must check out Before And After School Care in North York by St. George Mini School. Book your tour to know more!
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