33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795

33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795



Daycare providers, with their expertise and dedication, play an essential role in ensuring that children eat the right foods for their development. The little ones get good food after they watch. Daycares provide healthy food by following government guidelines and standards, which is beneficial for their mental and physical development. Here's how daycares, led by their knowledgeable providers, make eating safe and nutritious for kids every day. 

Balanced Menu Planning 

Daycares adhere to the Canada Food Guide to ensure that children receive a balanced diet, which is essential for their health and development. The menu includes: 

Fruits and vegetables: Kids need these colourful, nutrient-dense foods. The variety encourages youngsters to explore different foods and eat healthily.

Whole Grains: Whole wheat bread, oats, and brown rice keep kids energized all day.

Protein-rich: Plant-based, dairy-free and lean diets provide growth-promoting protein.

These healthful meals are designed to introduce toddlers to a variety of tastes, encouraging them to explore different foods and eat healthily.

Age-Appropriate Portions 

Knowing that kids' hunger levels and growth rates change over time is standard knowledge in daycare. This means that the quantities served to the children are customized accordingly. They provide hearty munches and light meals. Think yogurt, veggies, and grains packed in a tiny toast treat! Lunch, on the other hand, is a bigger affair. It has bits from every food group that kids require¬. It's a preparation feast for learning and playtime¬ fun!

Allergy Management and Dietary Accommodations 

Childcare centers keep a close eye on kids who have food allergies or other special dietary requirements suggested by doctors. They follow strict rules for safety, such as

•              Preventing food contamination.

•              Customized meal plans for children's needs.

•              Communicate with parents to ensure food safety.

Nutrition Education for Children 

Daily, daycare centers not only serve healthy food, but they also teach kids about good diet. They talk about why it's important to eat well. Here are a few things they do: 

Food Lessons: Helping kids to understand the importance of a balanced diet. 

Cooking Activities: Simple cooking projects that encourage trying new foods. 

Gardening Projects: Engaging children in growing fruits and vegetables to learn about where their food comes from. 

Strict Food Safety Standards 

Daycare in North York always knows how important it is to keep food safe. Food safety rules are followed, and meals are kept, made, and served in clean areas. Every person on the team knows how to stay clean and handle food the right way.


Rest assured that your little one receives well-balanced meals every day at North York's St. George Mini School & Infant Care. They strictly follow the Canada Food Guide for food safety. All dietary needs were met in a clean, hygienic environment. Their focus on healthy eating and nurturing your child lays the groundwork for healthy development. A secure space and nutritious meals for your child are guaranteed!

Professional Staff For Child Care