33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795

33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795



Among the crucial decisions a parent makes in bringing up their child is choosing between daycare or home care. Both of these options have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. The decision rests purely on the needs of the child and the family. Let us look at some factors you can consider to make an informed choice  

Benefits of Day Care 

Daycare centers provide children with a prepared framework for early learning. A daycare environment is one where children are constantly engaged in different activities that aid their physical, cognitive, and social development. The activities are led by teachers trained in education who ensure the stimulation the child needs at each stage of development. Interaction with other children allows the development of social skills like sharing and teamwork. It is also seen that children learn to speak sooner when more people are present around them. 

For most working parents, daycare schools offer secure and predictable space for their kids. Secondly, child care centers follow standardized procedures to ensure child safety, hygiene, and quality of care. 

Advantages of Home Care 

Personalized and focused care is the biggest advantage of home care services. Daily routines can be specifically created to suit the child's unique needs and personality, which is helpful for children with special needs who can get easily unadjusted to group settings with family caregivers or paid caregivers. 

Home care provides much flexibility concerning scheduling and daily activities. Children in home care environments tend to be given flexibility and spend time in familiar surroundings. Parents wishing to maintain control over what their child will be exposed to, tend to prefer this option. 

What Is Best for Your Child? 

All said and done, the decision between daycare and home care depends on your needs and circumstances. The child's temperament, the financial conditions within that family, and the work schedule of caregivers are important factors that influence the decision. While some thrive in the energetic, social environment of a daycare, others might do better with the more personalized attention given at home. Parents should calculate their child's requirements and profile.

St. George Mini School & Infant Day Care in North York is the number one choice of parents. A nurturing environment, focused on a child's holistic development, helps ease parents' minds knowing their little ones are in good hands. If you are looking for full-time daycare solutions for your growing family in North York, St. George Mini School is there to help. Reach out to book a tour today! 

Professional Staff For Child Care