33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114
141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043
25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795
The fun play activities are essential for the overall development of your kid. Playing is significant for developing the fine motor skills of children. It helps them to practice perfect body movements and coordination with small and large body movements. Most daycare schools offer developmental fun play activities. These activities help children to harness their muscle power to jump, run, throw, kick, and catch. It not only helps with physical growth but mental growth too.
Let us quickly check out a few motor skill development activities in the daycare center.
Building Blocks
Hand and wrist stability is required to place the blocks on one another. It would help if you started working with placing larger blocks at home. When your kid is okay placing the larger blocks, start with the smaller blocks. Using the building blocks of different shapes will help your child to improve fine motor skills.
Every daycare center has a dancing class for the kids in the age group of 2 years to 6 years. Developing your little one’s torso, arms, and legs is a simple yet powerful activity. It strengthens their balance and coordination. Parents can also get videos of talented choreographers to practice the dancing skills of their children.
Simple Playground Play
We all loved to mingle with our friends when we used to be in the kindergartens or play ways. The child care centers have swing sets and other games to help your child maintain good balance and coordination. It will help kids balance their weight and provide full support in moving their legs back and forth. You can take your kids to the park to run, hopscotch, or slide up and down the swings.
Cut & Paste
If you want to improve the fine motor skill of your child, along with the cognitive abilities, then get the cardboard paper for cut and paste activity. Tell your kid to cut out different shapes from paper and paste them on cardboard. It will be a fun time for both of you.
It is a fun and fine motor activity that is wonderful for the kids. It will take a child a lot of time to hold the pieces steadily and work with them. You need to be patient enough with the kids. Most daycare centers also use them, so your kid will enjoy the puzzles at school too.
These are a few fun activities that kids must be encouraged to take. However, a daycare center in North York, St. George Mini School, offers specialized programs for children. Book your tour today!
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