33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795

33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795



Toddlers and young children develop a sense of touch, smell, and taste with their food at a very young age. They are mindful eaters because they eat when hungry and stop when they are full. Having a good relationship with food can help your kids to develop physically and cognitively. When children grow older, their tastes and preferences change along with their lifestyle. They may lose the practice of mindful eating. Therefore, you can send your young children to a professional daycare center. A cordial environment along with nutritional programs will help with their eating disorders.

What are the Benefits of Mindful Eating?

Engages Five Senses: Make eating fun for children by helping them taste the food with their senses. Ask them about the colour of their food and what shape they like or if their food is crunchy or yummy. All these things will let the child acknowledge the food on their plate, and they will indulge in mindful eating. Most day care centers engage children by asking them about food taste, crunchiness, softness, etc.

No More Distractions: When you ask the kids whether the food was chewy, yummy, crunchy, or soft, they are mindful of what is on their plate. They will not get distracted by pictures, peer talking, or the screens in class or at home. Most child care centers create calming eating environments so that children can take all the nutrients from their food.

Sense of Hunger and Fullness: Most young children are prone to junk food and sweets. They always want processed food or sweets on their plate. By practising mindful eating, you can help children know when they are full and when they are hungry. Many day care schools have proper diet plans for growing children to give them proper nutrition. With mindful eating practice, a child will know when he/she is hungry and when they are full.

Chew for a Longer Time: Mindful eating helps young children form the habit of chewing for a long time. With this, the brain gets the satiety signal and children can get full nutrients. It is a smart practice to know when to stop as your stomach is full. It will help in physical and cognitive development.

Final Thoughts

Mindful eating at a young age can help you stay in the moment and take count of your nutrient intake. It will help kids chew and eat their food rather than gulp it. St. George Mini School is a Day Care Center in North York that encourages mindful eating practices. Book your consultation to learn how we work!

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