33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795

33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795



Did you think that your job ends when your kid comes back home? Well, here is a spoiler! That is when your job starts. Yes, kids are active in their classes, but they learn better in their comfort zones. Especially if your kid is one of those shy kids, who won't raise their hand to ask a question in class, if you are wondering if you should be worried, guess what, you should be!

 Sending your child to school is not to build pressure on them but to give them much-needed exposure. No one takes education seriously when done in their comfort zone. So, maybe it is right to send them for suitable courses.

 Many before and after school care programs have understood the ardent need to educate children with the proper skill set and expose them to extracurricular activities apart from academics. Parents who cannot sit with their children or want their children to learn more than others choose the Before and After School Care Programs in North York. They either happen right after/before school hours or in the evening. These programs are primarily set for children between kindergarten and grade 6.

 Why enroll with a before and after school care program?

 ·    Increased creativity and discovery: The children are taught from real-life examples in the before and after school programs. They are given a fair chance at exploring their creative side and are allowed to be highly productive.

 ·    Individualized learning: This type of childcare program is different from traditional babysitting. It is done with a group of children who are to be looked after or willing to learn more than they usually do. The fees, however, depend on the parents' feasibility. Individualized learning gives the best exposure and self-understanding of a few life aspects.

 ·    intellectual, emotional, and social growth: Your child enjoys their fair share of the social crowd when in school, but with an after-school enrichment program, it doesn't end. With the school enrichment programs, your child interacts with many other kids and is subtly informal and friendly with them. Being out of the house even after school makes them emotionally stern and less dependent.

 Many parents look for quality before and after school care programs for their children. Especially if they are working and want their child to be busy till then, the program help fill the time. The programs are often just for 5 or 6 days, which makes it easy for them to choose.

Professional Staff For Child Care