33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795

33 Mallard Rd: (647) 478-6114

141 Bond Ave: (647) 478-6043

25 Mallard Rd: (647) 812-7795



Proper support in the early years of a child can make a huge impact. Daycare centers are structured environments where kids can take part in all sorts of activities aimed at promoting cognitive starts, emotions, and physical well-being. Here are major activities that can help your child develop at daycare.

Creative Play and Arts 

Creative play forms a critical part of the care of children, through which they present opportunities to express themselves. Creative activities, such as card writing, painting, and crafting, encourage creativity and imagination. Children are promoted to think outside the box, find solutions for presented problems, and effectively communicate their ideas. 

Designated Areas for Physical Activities 

Physical development is as important as cognitive development. Daycare schools have several physical activities in their schedule. Outdoor play, guided games, and simple exercises like running and playing with balls enhance gross motor skills, coordination, and balance. Consistent body movement enhances complete health and fitness.

Storytime and Literacy Activity 

Storytime sessions entail a session of lovely books and anything from building literacy skills and vocabulary to just hearing the soothing rhythm of your voice. Often characters come to life with puppetry or role-playing. Singing songs and doing the alphabet are many things taught in early literacy.

Social Interaction and Group Activities 

Group activities, such as circle time, cooperative games, and group projects, will teach children to share, take turns, and carry out joint projects with other kids. Daycare schools help in fostering empathy as well as communication and skills to negotiate social situations among children.

Sensory Play 

Sensory play develops the cognitive ability of a child and improves understanding of the world around them. Sensory tables with sand, water, rice, and other various textured objects placed inside are popular activities at daycare centers.  

It is crucial to choose the right daycare for the proper development of your young child. Activities that take place at the daycare centers are set to allow nurturing not only physical and cognitive development but also social and emotional well-being. Involving your child in such activities will initiate basic and very important skills that she will apply in her future and possibly throughout her life.

Committed to providing children within North York with caring and developing conditions for study, the St. George Mini School is the number one choice among Day Care in North York. Driven by values and centred on excellence, our daycare is the perfect place for a child's holistic development. Learn more about our services and how we'd be able to support your child.

Professional Staff For Child Care